Tutoring Services in Concord, NH

Parker Tutoring provides individual tutorial programs in all core academic courses:

Reading • Writing • Mathematics • Science • Social Studies

Established in 1986, we provide quality educational programs designed to meet the needs of each individual. Our services include educational consulting, private subject-matter tutorials, academic support, enrichment programs, summer sessions, test preparation, and private school and college placement. We also offer high school credit courses though our affiliated day school, Parker Academy. We consult regularly with other professionals in order to provide a comprehensive approach to learning and growth.

Our tutors can accommodate students through all of their academic programs, from 1st grade through 12th and beyond as they venture into college and post high-school programs.

tutoring student

Most individualized programs require an initial consultation meeting. In this meeting, we discuss the student’s activities, academic strengths and needs, family history, and any personal factors that may be influencing the learning process. We may also ask to review academic records including report cards and any formal testing. Following this meeting, we will outline a variety of program alternatives. If further assessment is necessary, we may request additional testing. All programs are managed under strict guidelines of confidentiality.

Each program is designed after an initial consultation. This consultation involves an interview with the student and family to discuss specific needs and to review academic records and prior testing. Following the assessment, we may begin an individualized tutorial program or request more testing, some of which we may administer. We may refer clients for specialized testing to professionals with whom we maintain close affiliation.

Most students meet with their tutor twice a week for one hour sessions. Tutorials sessions are fun and engaging. The length of the program depends on many factors such as learning style, memory and processing speed. Each program has a particular scope and sequence. We evaluate our students regularly as part of our diagnostic prescriptive teaching methods. Students complete their tutorial program by showing mastery in the outlined areas of the reading curriculum.

Once a program has begun, we evaluate progress after every session and make changes and adjustments as necessary. We communicate regularly with parents, guidance counselors and classroom teachers. We encourage regular feedback and believe that growth and achievement result from dedication, mutual respect and enthusiasm for learning. We frequently become strong advocates for our students and share in their accomplishments.

Before I went to Parker, I was withdrawn, unsociable, and angry. The supports I received at Parker helped me to develop as a student, but more importantly, as a person. I learned how to navigate social situations, and ended up making friends.

Questions? Contact us today to schedule a tour or meeting with one of our team members.

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